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Welcome to day 3 of your #CreatingJoyChallenge! 

I chose to call this challenge the CREATING Joy Challenge because we each literally have the power within ourselves to create intentionally in our lives in every moment. Joyful living can come from many many different things and we are going to explore many of them throughout this challenge.

Now, between Day 1 and 2 of this challenge, you should already feel committed to your decision to live Joyfully, but there are many ways to actively continue to ask for and attract things you want into your life. One of the greatest ways to actively attract the life you want is by using Affirmations.

Affirmations are powerful, positive and motivating statements that not only keep your mind focused on certain desired outcomes, but also change the way you naturally think and behave so you can create different results in your life.

For today’s challenge, you will create a list of 10 affirmations to read aloud daily (preferably first thing in the morning or right before bed) about you and your life.

Here are some examples of affirmations for joyful living and just life in general.


Choose from this list of Affirmations or just use it as a reference to create your own. This list is very generic, so make them your own by adding flavor or specific details that are important to you. Some of these I wrote and others I found on the internet. You can find SO many affirmations online but be sure to make them feel like you.

–  “I love and respect myself as I am, right now!”
–  “I radiate happiness and joy to everyone around me.”
–  “Money flows easily into my life.”
–  “I am energetic and love completing my work on time.”
–  “I am strong, healthy and love taking care of my body.”
–  “I wake up each morning feeling refreshed and vibrant.”
–  “Life is full of fun and I enjoy it to the fullest.”
–  “Every day is a new day full of hope, happiness and abundant health.”
–  “I am a success magnet.”
–  “I am energetic, enthusiastic, and confident.”
–  “There is always more than enough in the world.”
–  “What I have to say is valuable and people want to pay me.”
–  “I am calm, relaxed and peaceful.”
–  “I am good enough and I am getting better everyday.”
–  “Miracles happen to me all the time.”


Creating your own Affirmations

If you are going to be creating your own affirmations, here are a few steps to include so your affirmations can be really powerfully effective.

1-  I AM
Start your affirmation with the phrase “I am”. This is a very powerful statement that uses the law of attraction. Instead of saying, “I will be” or “I want” say “I AM” as if you are ALREADY living the life you want.

2-  Write everything in present tense
Just like the phrase “I am” makes your statement present tense, use words or phrases that describe what you want to be happening right NOW.
Examples: “I am”, “I have”, “is coming”, “are flowing”, “right now”

3-  Use positive words
Instead of saying, “I stay out of debt.” Say, “I am financially free.” or “I spend my money wisely.”

4-  Be Specific
In your affirmations, state specific goals that are measurable. Say, “I easily make $10,000 dollars every month.” instead of saying “I make a lot of money.”

5-  Use short powerful statements
There is nothing wrong with long affirmations, but as much as possible, keep your statements short and sweet, instead of writing out long winded statements with a ton of detail. This makes them easier to remember so you can recite them or think them in moments when you need them most.


Create your list of 10 Affirmations and read them aloud everyday!

This can be done in many ways! You can simply write a list and keep it by your bedside for easy access. You can type up your affirmations to print them out and put them somewhere you will see them everyday like your bathroom mirror or shower. You can write them onto pretty cards to flip through each morning. There are many ways to display your affirmations to look at and read aloud each day but the important part is that you do it..


If you already have a daily affirmation practice and you want to up-level your ability to attract what you want in your life, check out my VERY FAVORITE way to use affirmations in combination with a few other things to REALLY create my IDEAL LIFE. I hold workshops periodically, check out the details for our next workshop here.