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Welcome to day 11 of your #CreatingJoyChallenge – Spend Time in Nature

When was the last time you walked barefoot through the grass, or just felt the wind touch your cheek as the sun drips warm golden light on your face? When was the last time you laid down in the grass and watched the leaves gracefully blow back and forth in the wind, or watch the clouds shift in the bright blue sky? When was the last time you played in the dirt or splashed around in a stream nearby? These are all beautiful things that can literally help to ground and center you, help you feel more at peace and find joy in the world around you.

We all get so caught up in everyday life that we forget to appreciate the beautiful world around us. Spending time in nature, whether a small break on the grass for lunch or a long campout on the weekend, is one of the very best ways to step into mindfulness – something we talked about on day 7 of this challenge, ‘Be still and Meditate’. Practicing mindfulness often increases ones ability to stay calm and positive in tough situations, as well as in everyday life.


Take some time to be with nature today.

Today’s challenge is simple, simple, simple. Just go outside and enjoy yourself. 🙂 Plan an outing or activity of some sort that allows you to spend time outside enjoying nature. Take a walk, set up a picnic, play outside with your children, go stargazing with a loved one, etc. Even if your day is extremely busy, even if it means just taking your lunch break outside in the grass, I want you to find some time to just be in nature.

Make this more of a priority in your life. Enjoy the fresh air, sunlight and beautiful scenes around you.  One of the ways I make sure to get this in my life every single day is taking my workout outside. I usually go running outside in the mornings and now that I’m pregnant I take a nice morning walk. It is still just as lovely and good for me as ever.

Why do you love being outside? What kinds of things do you do to enjoy and appreciate nature? Please share with me by leaving a comment.